Guide for Authors

1) Authors must prepare their papers using Microsoft Word, according to the guidelines and templates.

2) All papers must be written in clear, idiomatic English, and ensure that your paper has been checked for errors.

3) Eliminate author names, contact information, and affiliations from the title and anywhere else; and then convert this file to PDF.

4) The authors must submit two forms of paper; one Microsoft Word and (one PDF without author names, contact information, and affiliations)

5) Complete papers should be submitted for reviewing by the conference scientific committee.

6) By submitting a paper an author and all co-authors are assumed to agree with the terms of the conference regulations.

Double Blind Review

The FHVC 2024 has a double-blind review policy for all submissions. This policy preserves the anonymity of both judges and authors during the reviewing process, which helps to eliminate any perceptions of bias or favoritism.